IT Legacy Systems Modernization and Reengineering.
Concepts, Plans and Recommendations.
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Legacy IT - A Drag on Businesses

Definitions It is recognized in theworld—in business and Information Technology (IT), that “Legacy” applications (anythinglegacy) are a drag on the businesses (#). The results these “systems” provide tousers are often incomplete, more expensive than necessary, difficult to use ... Continue reading
Posted by Jose Florem | 2/3/2020 | 0 comments

Blog Introduction

Welcome to IT Legacy Today , a blog dedicated to IT Legacy System Modernization and Reengineering. Here, thru the various post, we present Concepts and Plans, and give recommendations, mostly for AS400 systems (or whatever name you prefer), so that you have a better option--rather than ... Continue reading
Posted by Support Department | 11/22/2019 | 1 comment
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