IT Legacy Systems Modernization and Reengineering.
Concepts, Plans and Recommendations.

Comment Policy

IT Legacy Today - Comment Policy

How to post proper comments on IT Legacy Today.

We welcome thoughtful and civilized discussion. We love comments and appreciate the time that our readers spend to share ideas and give feedback. Thank you to everyone who comments.

General considerations for your comments.

  • Use your real first name and email address in the comment form
  • Add smart, relevant ideas that expand on an article's premise — read the item before you comment
  • Offer useful, constructive (not stupid or ugly) criticism
  • For any feedback, we reserve the right to edit, delete, move, or mark it as spam

Specific comments may not be posted and will be deleted.

  • You don’t use your real first name or email address
  • There are specific keywords or your business name in the name field of the comment form
  • Comments that demonstrate you didn’t read, watch, or listen to the content
  • Comments that restate or repeat information from the article
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  • Any form of defamation. Racist or obscene nastiness
  • Violation of anyone’s copyright, trademark, etc.
  • Promotions or links back to your product, service, or latest venture

Disclaimer: I copied some of this content from other blogs. Thanks.

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